
The Movies of 1982

- Dirty Lily (1982)
- Doctor Faustus (1982)
- Dogkeselyu (1982)
- Domino (1982)
- Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder (1982)
- Dos Mundos de Angelita, Los (1982)
- Double Exposure (1982)
- Dr. Jekyll's Dungeon of Death (1982)
- Dragon Lord (1982)
- Draughtsman's Contract, The (1982)
- Dreams Come True (1982)
- Duel to the Death (1982)
- Duet (1982)
- Duet for Four (1982)
- Dusty (1982)
- Dvije polovice srca (1982)
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
- Early Frost (1982)
- Eating Raoul (1982)
- Education Anglaise (1982)
- Egymasra nezve (1982)
- Eisenhans (1982)
- Elveszett illuziok (1982)
- Elvis, Elvis (1982)
- Emily (1982)
- En busca del huevo perdido (1982)
- En rachachant (1982)
- End of August, The (1982)
- Endangered Species (1982)
- Energy! Energy! (1982)
- Enigma (1982)
- Erben, Die (1982)
- Erbtoechter, Die (1982)
- Ergostasio, To (1982)
- Escape Artist, The (1982)
- Estigma (1982)
- Estoy en Crisis (1982)
- Estrangeira, A (1982)
- Etoile du Nord, L' (1982)
- Evil Dead, The (1982)
- Evil Under the Sun (1982)
- Exercise in Discipline - Peel, An (1982)
- Experience Preferred...But Not Essential (1982)
- Eyes of the Amaryllis, The (1982)
- Fake-Out (1982)
- Family Rock (1982)
- Fandy, o Fandy (1982)
- Fanny och Alexander (1982)
- Fantomes du chapelier, Les (1982)
- Far East (1982)

- Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
- Fast-Walking (1982)
- Fatima Viva (1982)
- Feherlofia (1982)
- Femme enfant, La (1982)
- Fighting Back (1982/I)
- Fighting Back (1982/II)
- Filip z konopi (1982)
- Filthy Rich (1982)
- Fim de Estacao (1982)
- Final Option, The (1982)
- Firefox (1982)
- First Blood (1982)
- Fitzcarraldo (1982)
- Five Days One Summer (1982)
- Flambierte Frau, Die (1982)
- Flight of Dragons, The (1982)
- Fluegel der Nacht, Die (1982)
- Forbidden World (1982)
- Forced Vengeance (1982)
- Forty Deuce (1982)
- Four Artists in France (1982)
- Foxfire Light (1982)
- Frances (1982)
- Frau mit dem roten Hut, Die (1982)
- Fredy el Croupier (1982)
- Freedom (1982)
- Friday the 13th Part 3 (1982)
- Frightmare (1982)
- Frosch ist Koenig (1982)
- Fuenf letzte Tage (1982)
- Funeral Home (1982)
- Funny Farm, The (1982)
- Funny Money (1982)
- Gamble on Love (1982)
- Gandhi (1982)
- Ganze Leben, Das (1982)
- Gelbe Rose lebt gefaehrlich, Die (1982)
- Gendarme et les gendarmettes, Le (1982)
- General de l'armee morte, Le (1982)
- Gestos e Fragmentos (1982)
- Ghosts Galore (1982)
- Gib Gas - Ich will Spass! (1982)
- Ginger Meggs (1982)
- Girl from S.E.X. (1982)
- Giro City (1982)
- Glueck beim Haendewaschen, Das (1982)
- Gods of Metal (1982)
- Goin' All the Way (1982)
- Gole! (1982)
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