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The Take a Vacation Quiz
Take a tour of five states as you make it possible for the tormented Griswold family to have the family vacation of their dreams. But watch out, the trivia is hard, which makes the game as much of a quest as it is a great time
The '80s General Trivia Quiz
5 Levels of '80s Trivia Madness! A Progressive trivia game checking your true knowledge of the '80s decade.
The Save Ferris Quiz
How much do you know about one of the greatest '80s movies of all times? This progressive quiz puts Ferris' fate in your hands - busted by Mr. Rooney, or free to create more havoc. Check out the whole Save Ferris area!
The Save Ferris Remix - Oh Yeah! Only at The '80s Server! You'll laugh aloud and dance on the tables with this MPEG medley of music and quotes from Ferris. Check out the whole Save Ferris area!
The Save Ferris Soundtrack
You won't hear this compilation on any radio! An exlusive to The '80s Server, The Save Ferris Soundtrack is a humorous collection of quotes and medleys. Check out the whole Save Ferris area!
Can you quote movies from the '80s? We'll just see about that! Every day, match ten quotes with the correct movies. Demo Version.
Manic Medley
We've squeezed ten songs into about 15 seconds of music. With just one clue, can you identify all of the aritst and titles? Give it a shot!
Demo Version
Lexicon Magazine
'80s Server members get an exclusive glimpse into past issues of this great '80s Pop Culture magazine.
The '80s Server Crossword Puzzle
The '80s Server Crossword Puzzle is updated weekly with a challenging, new puzzle based on '80s pop culture. Check out The '80s Server Crossword Puzzle today!
Sliding Tile Puzzle
The '80s Server Sliding Tile Puzzles will keep you glued to your computer until the next time the '80s role around. There are versions available in Java and for WebTV users depending on your browser's capabilities.
If it has happened, it's in our MegaLibrary.
- Entertainment - We've got all the award winners for the Grammys, Oscars, Tonys, and Emmys dating back to 1950 all for you!
- Sports - All the greatest athletes are now in one place alongside their awards and achievements. Also, there's a timeline of great sporting events dating back to 1950.
- History - History buffs rejoice because we've got a great timeline of all the important events of the past 50 years.
- Technology - Follow all the great technological advancements of the past fifty years in this great timeline of events.
Hits Story
Ever wonder what the songs were on this date back in the '80s? Well, we have it here for you in a comprehensive listing of all the top ten hits of the '80s, week by week.
Every few months The '80s Server spotlights a different celebrity or event from the '80s, bringing you back in touch with a certain element of the '80s that made that decade so great.
THE uniform of any dedicated '80s lover, Rob Lowe wouldn't be caught dead without his. Get '80s Server VIP Membership and receive a 15% discount on your '80s Server T-shirt. Order yours today!
Music Fan Clubs
Music Fan Clubs is a comprehensive site dedicated to providing quality information and updates about your favorite groups of all time.
- The E-mail address of your choice - VIP Membership gets you your choice of a fashionable Music Fan Clubs e-mail address like "[email protected]" or an artist specific e-mail address like "[email protected]", "[email protected]" or "[email protected]". For a complete list of addresses click here.
- General MFC Music Trivia Quiz - VIP Members can test their knowledge across the board! Are you a music trivia god and perhaps just don't realize it?
- Dave Matthews Quiz - Just how much do you know about Dave Matthews Band? This will tell all!
And more as it becomes available!...
The eighties are great! Sign me up!
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