
The Movies of 1982

- Just Pals (1982)
- Kaliyugaya (1982)
- Kamikaze 1989 (1982)
- Kankamba ou le semeur de discorde (1982)
- Karabiny (1982)
- Karate po polsku (1982)
- Kein Land (1982)
- Kettevalt mennyezet (1982)
- Kharij (1982)
- Khuddar (1982)
- Kid from Not-So-Big, The (1982)
- Kiklop (1982)
- Killer Army (1982)
- Kiss Me Goodbye (1982)
- Kiss My Grits (1982)
- Kitty and the Bagman (1982)
- Klan: A Legacy of Hate in America, The (1982)
- Klassengefluester (1982)
- Kleid von Dior, Ein (1982)
- Konrad oder das Kind aus der Konservenbuechse (1982)
- Krach operacji Terror (1982)
- Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave (1982)
- Kyudan (1982)
- Laberinto de pasiones (1982)
- Laisse inacheve a Tokyo (1982)
- Last American Virgin, The (1982)
- Last Fight, The (1982)
- Last Unicorn, The (1982)
- Le Llamaban J.R. (1982)
- Legendary Weapons of China (1982)
- Legitime violence (1982)
- Let's Do It (1982)
- Let's Spend the Night Together (1982)
- Liantes, Los (1982)
- Liebe am Nachmittag (1982)
- Liebestolle Internat, Das (1982)
- Limuzyna Daimler-Benz (1982)
- Little Sex, A (1982)
- Living Dead Girl, The (1982)
- Loca por el Circo (1982)
- Locuras de Parchis, Las (1982)
- Lonely Hearts (1982)
- Lookin' to Get Out (1982)
- Losing Ground (1982)
- Love and Money (1982)
- Love at the Top (1982)
- Love Butcher, The (1982)
- Love Child (1982)
- Lukas (1982)
- Luo Tuo Xiang Zi (1982)

- M'Pongo (1982)
- Maalaren (1982)
- Macbeth (1982/II) (V)
- Magia de los Parchis, La (1982)
- Magic Journeys (1982)
- Making Love (1982)
- Malaria (1982)
- Mamma (1982)
- Man from Snowy River, The (1982)
- Man with Two Heads, The (1982)
- Manhattan Baby (1982)
- Mann auf der Mauer, Der (1982)
- Manuel (1982)
- Maratonci trce pocasni krug (1982)
- Martes y 13... Ni Te Cases Ni Te Embarques (1982)
- Master of Disaster (1982)
- Matiouette, La (1982)
- Megaforce (1982)
- Melanie (1982)
- Melanie van der Straaten (1982)
- Memoria de um Dia (1982)
- Memory Lane (1982)
- Meri Jung (1982)
- Michauds, Les (1982)
- Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy, A (1982)
- Mientras el Cuerpo Aguante (1982)
- Mir reicht's - ich steig aus (1982)
- Miris dunja (1982)
- Miserables, Les (1982)
- Missing (1982)
- Mission Hill (1982)
- Mission, The (1982)
- Missionary, The (1982)
- Mit meinen Haenden, mit meinem Kopf (1982)
- Mitachat Leaf (1982)
- Moj tata na odredjeno vreme (1982)
- Mongrel (1982)
- Monkey Grip (1982)
- Monsignor (1982)
- Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982)
- Moonlighting (1982)
- Morte in Vaticano (1982)
- Mortelle randonnee (1982)
- Mother Lode (1982)
- Mourir a 30 ans (1982)
- Moznosti Dialogu (1982)
- Mu Ma Ren (1982)
- My Favorite Year (1982)
- Nachtlang Feuerland, Eine (1982)
- Naitou l'orpheline (1982)
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