
The Movies of 1982

- Namak Halal (1982)
- Nana (1982)
- Naplo gyermekeimnek (1982)
- Napos oldal (1982)
- Narayama Bushiko (1982)
- Nastik (1982)
- Nastojanje (1982)
- National Lampoon's Class Reunion (1982)
- Neiges brulantes (1982)
- Neonstadt (1982)
- Never So Deep (1982)
- Next of Kin (1982)
- Niech cie odleci mara (1982)
- Nieciekawa historia (1982)
- Night Shift (1982)
- No grazie, il caffe' mi rende nervoso (1982)
- Norman Loves Rose (1982)
- Notte di San Lorenzo, La (1982)
- Nuernberger Bett, Das (1982)
- Nuit de Varennes, La (1982)
- Nuovi barbari, I (1982)
- Nutcracker (1982)
- Nyom nelkul (1982)
- O Canada! (1982)
- O'Hara's Wife (1982)
- Occhi, la bocca, Gli (1982)
- Officer and a Gentleman, An (1982)
- Okolice spokojnego morza (1982)
- Olden Days Coat, The (1982)
- Olympiasiegerin, Die (1982)
- Ombres chinoises (1982)
- On, ona, oni (1982)
- Once Upon a Rainbow (1982)
- One from the Heart (1982)
- Onofre el Virgo (1982)
- Operation Leo (1982)
- Orun Mooru (1982)
- Oscar y Carlos 82 (1982)
- Othello, the Black Commando (1982)
- Our Life is Now (1982)
- Out (1982)
- Oyomdoen Jashik-dul (1982)
- Ozu no Mahotsukai (1982)
- P.K. and the Kid (1982)
- Pablo Picasso Pintor (1982)
- Padre no Hay Mas que Dos (1982)
- Pais, S.A. (1982)
- Pajaritos, Los (1982)
- Pandemonium (1982)
- Panelkapcsolat (1982)

- Paradis pour tous (1982)
- Paradise (1982)
- Paramedico, Il (1982)
- Parasite (1982)
- Pares y Nones (1982)
- Parsifal (1982)
- Partners (1982)
- Pasota con Corbata, Un (1982)
- Passante, La (1982)
- Passion (1982)
- Patricia, Valerie, Anna et les autres (1982)
- Penitentiary II (1982)
- Pere Noel est une ordure, Le (1982)
- Permanent Vacation (1982)
- Personal Best (1982)
- Petit theatre, Le (1982)
- Petites guerres, Les (1982)
- Pink (1982)
- Pirate Movie, The (1982)
- Pizza, prosciutto e fichi (1982)
- Plague Dogs, The (1982)
- Plain Jane to the Rescue (1982)
- Plains of Heaven (1982)
- Plainsong (1982)
- Plata dulce (1982)
- Plaza del Diamante, La (1982)
- Poltergeist (1982)
- Por do Sol no Areeiro (1982)
- Porky's (1982)
- Porno: Situacion Limite (1982)
- Portrait of Giselle, A (1982)
- Pour 100 briques t'as plus rien... (1982)
- Prem Rog (1982)
- Preppies (1982)
- Private Popsicle (1982)
- Privates on Parade (1982)
- Privileged (1982)
- Prix du danger, Le (1982)
- Proceso de Burgos, El (1982)
- Progon (1982)
- Przekleta ziemia (1982)
- Przesluchanie (1982)
- Przypadek (1982)
- Psalm (1982)
- Purple Haze (1982)
- Q (1982)
- Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour etre heureux! (1982)
- Quartetto Basileus, Il (1982)
- Que les gros salaires levent le doigt!!! (1982)
- Que Vienen los Socialistas! (1982)
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