f a q
Frequently Asked Questions about the film, the site and whatnot.
With over 100 great "scenes" (i.e. pictures and sounds) and even some
animated gifs and annoying midis now too!
i n s t a n t s o u n d s
Currently with over 100 sounds in super compressed wav format for
instant downloading times.
Check out my Real Audio Oh Yeah Ferris Bueller Remix track.
t h e s a v e f e r r i s q u i z
50 gruelling questions about Ferris, in 5 different levels. Can you
save Ferris? This section requires membership to the '80s server, for
details on subscribing click here.
m i s s i n g s c e n e s
Read about scenes that were in the original script but cut from
the final film. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
c a s t m i n i p r o f i l e s
Little tidbits of info on each cast member.
d e s k t o p t h e m e
Complete with startup and shutdown screens, background pictures,
and sounds.
s o u n d t r a c k
Lyrics and information on the unofficial soundtrack. Members of the
'80s Server can also go the Streaming Real Audio Listening Booth and
listen to the soundtrack in full. For details on subscribing to the
'80s Server click here.
w a n t e d m e r c h a n d i s e
Information on all types of Ferris merchandising.
r i g h t e o u s v i d e o c l i p s
Highlights of the best scenes from the best movie ever PERIOD in
.avi format.
a r t i n s t i t u t e r e c
r e a t i o n
Take a tour through the Art Institute of Chicago just as Ferris,
Sloane & Cameron did.
m a d m a g a z i n e
Take a look at Mad Magazine's parody of FBDO which appeared in
Issue #268, January 1987.
e s s a y s & a r t i c l e s
Essays and articles involving Ferris gathered from pages and people
of the web and print media. Email me
if you have articles or essays to add to this section.
c h o i c e f e r r i s l i n k s
Top 10 Ferris links, some awards and webrings.
l i n k t o s a v e f e r r i s
Groovy banners to link to Save Ferris! and instructions on how
to insert the html tag are here.
s i t e m a p
Comprehensive structured list consisting of (just about) every
page at Save Ferris! If you're looking for something in particular,
you can jump directly to it from here.
v o t i n g b o o t h
s p e c i a l t h a n k s
Extra special thanks go to
And thanks to everyone else who helped along the way, sorry if I didn't mention
your name, it's just I was running out of space, but you guys know who you are. There
are also other thanks in the relevant sections of the site.
l a s t u p d a t e d
Friday, 15th September 2000